Meet our


A - B

Agrolink ( Bulgaria )

AGROLINK brings together specialists, experts and farmers in a network of partnership with the aim to influence encourage and assist farmers and rural societies in Bulgaria to develop and support organic farming as the most sustainable agriculture system.

Amigos de la Tierra (Friends of the Earth Spain) ( Spain )

Amigos de la Tierra (Friends of the Earth Spain) is a grassroots non-profit organization with the mission of promoting local and global change towards environmental and social justice. We believe that the focus of policies must be on people and the Earth, and that´s why we work to achieve food sovereignty, climate justice, the protection of biodiversity, and the sustainable use of natural resources.

Avaaz ( International )

Avaaz is a people-powered campaign movement with 70 million members around the globe, working passionately to solve the biggest challenges of our time.

BUND ( Germany )

BUND stands for Bund für Umwelt und Naturschutz Deutschland (German Federation for the Environment and Nature Conservation) and is an independent, federal NGO that has been dedicated to protecting nature and the environment since the mid-1970s. Among other things, BUND campaigns for ecological agriculture and healthy food, climate protection and the expansion of renewable energies, and the protection of endangered species, forests and water.

Bundnis fur eine enkeltaugliche Landwirtschaft ( Germany )

Zum »Bündnis für eine enkeltaugliche Landwirtschaft« haben sich zahlreiche Bio-Hersteller*innen, Naturkost-Fachhändler*innen und zivilgesellschaftliche Organisationen zusammengeschlossen. Gemeinsam engagieren wir uns für eine fundamentale Wende der Landbewirtschaftung und der Nahrungserzeugung.

C - D


The Coordination against BAYER-Dangers (CBG) was founded in 1978 after a series of incidents at the Leverkusen-based chemical multinational BAYER and is critically monitoring the companies’ business activities ever since.

CEO ( Europe )

Corporate Europe Observatory (CEO) is a research and campaign group working to expose and challenge the privileged access and influence enjoyed by corporations and their lobby groups in EU policymaking.

Danmarks Naturfredningsforening ( Denmark )

The Danish Society for Nature Conservation is the oldest and largest environmental NGO in Denmark. It was founded in 1911 and works across the entire spectrum of environmental issues with an emphasis on nature conservation, agricultural impact on the environment, and biodiversity and climate policies. As well as a large head office in Copenhagen, the organization has local chapters in each Danish municipality and is very strongly represented at the grassroots level.

E - F

Earth Thrive ( United Kingdom, Serbia )

Earth Thrive is a small international (UK/Serbia) organisation working on promotion of rights of Nature in Europe and prevention of ecocide in the Balkans. A member of the Global Alliance for the Rights of Nature - GARN, and founder and facilitator at GARN Europe Hub.

Currently working with rights of Nature advocates on a comprehensive document about rights of Nature and glyphosate with the aim of it being used by the communities in civil and legal actions against the use of glyphosate around the world by showing how glyphosate's ecoclinal impacts are against Nature's inherent and inalienable right to exist, thrive and evolve naturally.

Earth Trek ( Croatia )

Vizija Udruge jest zamjena sintetičkih pesticida održivim tehnikama uzgoja hrane koje se temelje na istinskoj Integriranoj zaštiti bilja, počevši s agronomskim mjerama, prevencijom i nadzorom koji značajno smanjuju pojavu štetnika.

Pravo na zdravlje, pravo na zdravu hranu, čistu vodu i čisti zrak. Dobra kvaliteta življenja uz održiv način života. Svima dostupna zdrava prehrana te potpuna ekološka i etička osviještenost ljudi.

The Association's vision is to replace synthetic pesticides with sustainable food growing techniques based on true Integrated Pest Management, starting with agronomic measures, prevention and monitoring, which significantly reduces the occurrence of pests.

The right to health, healthy food, clean water and clean air. Good quality of life, based on a sustainable lifestyle. Healthy food available to everyone and citizens' comprehensive ecological and ethical awareness.

Ecologistas en Acción ( Spain )

Ecologistas en Acción is a confederation of environmental groups distributed throughout towns and cities. We are part of social environmentalism, which understands that environmental problems have their origin in an increasingly globalized model of production and consumption, from which other social problems also derive, and which must be transformed if the ecological crisis is to be avoided.

EFFAT ( Europe )

EFFAT is the “European Federation of Trade Unions in the Food, Agriculture, and Tourism sectors and allied branches” (EFFAT/IUF-Europe). EFFAT/IUF-Europe is an organisation of independent and democratic trade unions representing all workers in the Food, Agriculture, Tourism, and Domestic Workers sectors as well as other related sectors, services, and activities in Europe.

Eko ( International )

Ekō (formerly SumOfUs) is a global community of millions committed to ensuring corporations and governments prioritize people and planet over profit

Foodwatch International ( International )

Foodwatch is a non-profit campaigning organization that fights for safe, healthy and affordable food for all people. As a citizen-based watchdog in the food sector foodwatch gives consumers a loud voice, speaks up for transparency in the food sector and defends our right to food that harms neither people, nor the environment. foodwatch operates at the national and European levels, and has offices in Germany, France, Austria and the Netherlands.

Friends of the Earth Europe ( Europe )

Friends of the Earth Europe is the largest grassroots environmental network in Europe, uniting more than 30 national organisations with thousands of local groups. Our Brussels office coordinates our network’s joint campaigns, and pushes for action by the EU to protect people and the planet. This includes campaigns on Climate justice and energy, Resource justice, Corporate power as well as Food, farming and nature.

G - H

Generations futures ( France )

Générations Futures est une association de défense de l’environnement agréée par le ministère de l’Ecologie depuis 2008 (renouvellement obtenu en 2014 et 2019), et reconnue d’intérêt générale. Générations Futures mène des actions (enquêtes, colloques, actions en justice, campagne de sensibilisation…) pour informer sur les risques de diverses pollutions (les substances chimiques en général et les pesticides en particulier) et promouvoir des alternatives à ces produits menaçants la santé et l’environnement.

Global 2000 ( Austria )

GLOBAL 2000 is the largest Austrian environmental protection organisation. We are committed to an intact environment, a sustainable society and sustainable economic activity.

GMWatch ( United Kingdom, Europe )

GMWatch provides a public news and information service countering the propaganda of the GMO and agrochemicals industries.


Greenpeace uses non-violent creative action to pave the way towards a greener, more peaceful world, and to confront the systems that threaten our environment.

HEAL ( Europe )

The Health and Environment Alliance (HEAL) is the leading not-for-profit organisation addressing how the environment affects human health in the European Union (EU) and beyond. HEAL works to shape laws and policies that promote planetary and human health and protect those most affected by pollution and raise awareness of the benefits of environmental action for health.

I - J

Instytut Spraw Obywatelskich ( Poland )

Instytut Spraw Obywatelskich (the Civil Affairs Institute) is a social organisation independent of political parties and corporations. Since 2004, it has been fighting for the common good, including safe food, citizens' and consumers' rights to transparent information, clean air, workers' rights, and sustainable transport. Our mission is to develop, shape and promote civic attitudes.

ISDE Italia - Associazione Medici per l’Ambiente ( Italy )

ISDE Italy is an environmental organisation of medical doctors affiliated to the International Society of Doctors for the Environment – ISDE. The main purpose of ISDE Italy is to help defend environment both locally and globally to prevent numerous illnesses, ensure the necessary conditions for health, and improve the quality of life. It aims to educate and update physicians and the general public, and stimulate awareness and initiatives by public and private bodies.

Justice Pesticides ( France )

Justice Pesticides is meant to supply everybody, particularly victims of pesticides from all nationalities and statuses (neighbours, farmers, local authorities, scientists, etc.) with all legal cases involving pesticides in the world. We want to create a wide physical and virtual collaborative network to gather all legal cases in the world that question pesticides in order to establish a legal and scientific database that will allow to strengthen legal actions.

K - L

M - N

Magyar Természetvédők Szövetsége ( Hungary )

A Magyar Természetvédők Szövetsége (MTVSZ) több, mint 100 hazai környezet- és természetvédő szervezet közössége, fő célja a természet egészének a védelme és a fenntartható fejlődés elősegítése.

A Szövetség tagjai Magyarország minden megyéjében jelen vannak és küzdenek természeti értékeink megóvásáért, a környezeti terhelések megelőzéséért. Nemzetközi szervezetekkel együttműködve hangsúlyos szerepet játszunk Európa és a világ környezetvédelmi civil összefogásaiban.

Nature et Progres ( Belgium )

Association pionnière de l’agriculture biologique, pour Nature et Progrès, l’agriculture biologique va bien au-delà d’un simple label et inclut des valeurs d’équité, de proximité, d’autonomie et de partage en pensant le système de manière globale. Elle est conçue comme un projet de société agricole et alimentaire alternatif et participatif, respectueux du vivant : la nature dont les animaux et l’Humanité.

O - P

PAN Europe ( Europe )

PAN Europe works to eliminate dependency on chemical pesticides and to support safe sustainable pest control methods. PAN Europe's vision is of a world in which high agricultural productivity is achieved by truly sustainable agricultural production systems in which agrochemical inputs and environmental damage are minimised, and where local people control local production using local varieties.

PAN Germany ( Germany )

PAN Germany provides information about the negative consequences of using pesticides and advocates for environmentally friendly, socially just alternatives for insiders and consumers at the national (Germany), European and International levels.

PAN UK ( United Kingdom )

Pesticide Action Network UK is the only UK charity focused solely on tackling the problems caused by pesticides and promoting safe and sustainable alternatives in agriculture, urban areas, homes and gardens

Parkinson Vereniging ( Netherlands )

The Parkinson Vereniging is an association of people who have Parkinson’s Disease.

Q - R

S - T

U - V

Umweltinstitut München ( Germany )

Seit 1986 gehen wir der Umweltbelastung auf den Grund und organisieren Kampagnen und Projekte für mehr Umwelt- und Klimaschutz. 100 % Ökolandbau ohne Pestizide und Massentierhaltung und eine zu 100% erneuerbare Energieversorgung.

Uplift ( Ireland )

Uplift is a people-powered community of over 350,000 people from every corner of Ireland who take action alongside each other to fight for a better Ireland, where everyone can flourish.

Velt ( Belgium )

Velt is de Vereniging voor ecologisch leven, koken en tuinieren. Al meer dan 45 jaar promoten we in België en Nederland een duurzaam leven in huis, tuin en keuken.

W - X

Wemove Europe ( Europe )


Y - Z