What can you do

There are different ways to get involved in the movement to raise awareness about the health and environmental impact of glyphosate  and push for a ban of its use across Europe! By taking any of the actions below, you can be a part of this crucial effort !

What can you do ?

Become a supporter of the Great Glyphosate Court Case

In November 2023, the European Commission took the decision to renew the market licence of glyphosate in the EU for the next 10-years. In the face of this disaster for health, biodiversity, soil, and water, several members of the Stop Glyphosate Coalition have taken action to challenge the EU's glyphosate renewal in court. Pesticide Action Network (PAN) Europe, alongside its partners Générations Futures, Global2000, PAN Germany, PAN Netherlands and ClientEarth have initiated the necessary first step by submitting a request for internal review to the European Commission. Should the Commission reject this request, the NGOs will take the matter in front of the EU Court of Justice.

This court case will be a 2-year uphill battle with high stakes and mounting a robust legal defence requires a formidable amount of work and resources. The NGOs need all the support they can get to win this fight for health, biodiversity, soil, water, and the legacy we leave for our children and future generations. Explore further details and become a supporter of the case by clicking here.

Contact your local NGO !

If you are interested in doing more, you can contact your local NGO or an NGO based in your country to know how to get involved ! Take a look at our coalition members page.

Contact your representatives !

Taking action and reaching out to your representatives is a meaningful and effective step that can advance the cause for a ban on glyphosate at your local level.

Now that the Implementing Regulation to renew the approval of glyphosate has entered into force with its publication in the Official Journal of the European Union on 29 November 2023, the process for the renewal of the national authorisations of glyphosate-based herbicides at Member State level has started.

You can write directly to your president, prime minister, national minister of the Environment, Minister of Health, or Minister of Agriculture to voice your concerns and advocate for a ban onf glyphosate-based formulations at a national level. Most government officials' offices can be directly contacted electronically. You can use this tool which makes it very easy to write to ministers from your country.

Alternatively, you can write to your Mayor or official representative to request for a ban on the use of glyphosate in your city or town to safeguard the health of local citizens, enhance their quality of life, protect the environment, and promote biodiversity. In your letter, you can advocate for a ban in all public areas, private areas with public access and agricultural zones adjacent to residential areas.

Your voice holds significant weight, and contacting your representatives would demonstrate the broad public support regarding the need to ban glyphosate. Exercise your democratic right to be heard and contact your representatives!

Spread the word: share our website and resources!

Help us make a significant impact by spreading awareness about our campaign to stop glyphosate. One of the simplest yet powerful actions you can take is to share our website and the resources we provide. Our website is an independent information hub, research findings, and updates related to glyphosate's harmful effects. By sharing our website link on social media, through emails, or with friends and family, you directly support our efforts in raising awareness, educating the public, and pressuring the EU and Member states to ban glyphosate. Together, let's ensure that crucial knowledge about glyphosate is accessible to all. Join us in spreading the word and making a difference!